Project CreaPedia

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Fahne UK-120px.png Here you shall find some basic information on CreaPedia in English:

At a glance

CreaPedia (*7.1.09) is the world largest creativity encyclopedia with currently 5.354 entries (including more than 355 fully enhanced articles) and additionally more than 2.630 glossary remarks. The project aims at featuring a competent ken source for the entire domain of creativity, and by doing so making its application fields, components, models, formats and impulse areas (such as Psychology, Neurology, ...) comprehensively available. It is a Wiki-project from creative practitioners and professionals for creative practitioners and professionals, in which applied/ deliberate creativity takes a central yet not exclusive place, thus it touch and embrace all areas of the "phenomenon creativity" likewise.

Anyone who does respect the CreaPedia-principles and rules is warmly invited to contribute. We are looking forward very much to welcome authors, who, like we do, take joy and pride in creating and developing a unique and comprehensive source of creative wisdom, which goes far beyond mere isolated areas eg. such as creativity techniques – in order to present and enrich creativity as both a unique field and a serious competence. The outcome: Making CreaPedia the primary source for all who are looking for reliable creativity information!

Major start-contributions came from the creativity portal, which made huge parts of its data available for the kickstart – and we are grateful for that.


In statui nascendi


CreaPedia was established in 2009 as a project part of the "Infrastructure Of Creativity-initiative" within the official European Year of Creativity and Innovation 2009 (EYCI) by M. Match Luther, a German CPS consultant and creativity pioneer.

Currently there are 2 Admins and 10 Authors involved in order to establish, to maintain, to secure and to bring forward the quality of the project, and to gradually enhance the database and transform the basic entries into full articles.


  • CreaPedia was "born and raised" in 2009, including the basic layout and structure (1).
  • It grew up and was officially opened as part of the World Creativity Day-initiative in 2010.04.15 (2) with more than 1.200 entries; its steps had been:
    • A) Basic fill in (spring/ summer 2010)
      • Main body (structure s. below)
      • GLOSSARY
    • B) Integration of a first DICTIONARY: creative words German-English (fall 2010)
    • C) Integration of a pool of more than 650 CREATIVITY QUOTES (winter 2010)
  • Opening for external authors in 2011.04.15 (3.)


While focusing on deliberate creativity, CreaPedia as an overarching creativity project aims at covering every aspect of the phenomenon and resource creativity; the central approach however is systemic, based on the work from previous creative system thinkers such as Mel Rhodes, Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, Teresa Amabile, Howard Gardner, Margaret Boden, Robert Sternberg and Istvan Magyari-Beck, to name but a few.

Thus, the structure includes the main areas:


  • Creative impulse areas (such as Psychology, Neurology, Pedagogic, …) & famous persons
  • Orientation help (specifically different kinds of creativity)
  • Applied Creativity (as a not exclusive, yet as a core part)
  • Creative thinkers and Hall of Fame
  • GLOSSARY (as an independent section of CreaPedia)

Creative Process - including:

  • Creativity process-models and -phases
  • Complex creativity methods
  • Creativity techniques (note: this is a core part of CreaPedia with numerous entries, yet: it's but one part of creativity!) So watch out - there is more!

Creative Personality - including:

  • Thinking styles, Neurologics
  • Creative typologies and checks/ tests
  • Self design (models, methods, formats)

Creative Panorama - including:

  • Associations
  • Locations / Institutions
  • Conferences / Events / Competitions
  • Open education
  • Measure instruments for the creative panorama

Application fields - including:

  • Application fields – including:
  • Inventing & inventors
  • Advertisement & design
  • Art & Artists
  • Installations, Performances

Creative Resources - including:

  • Library: BOOKS & literature (as an independent section of CreaPedia)
  • further Creative Resources
    • Prints (eg. paper and paperarticles)
    • Software
    • Games
    • Academic papers (BS, MS, Dipl., PhD-thesis)
    • Research work & projects
    • TV & else
    • Websites
  • DICTIONARY of CPS-terms (English-German) (as an independent section of CreaPedia)
  • QUOTES (as an independent section of CreaPedia)
  • Partner projects


While most of the 5.354 entries are so far mere compendious entries to give a first impression of the broader scheme and variety of creativity and creativeness, there are a growing number of currently more than 355 fully enhanced articles.

Come aboard


  • CreaPedia is build on the Wikipedia-idea and displays a free encyclopedia. In contrast to Wikipedia, new authors have to be approved and to commit to CreaPedia-rules and -principles; this is on the one hand to avoid spam, one the other to secure a high quality standard in creativity.
  • As mentioned above CreaPedia does neither aim exclusively at deliberate creativity nor does it merely feature the part of creativity techniques. It is a comprehensive source for creativity and its components and tools. Creativity techniques are cocksure an important part of the encyclopedia, yet not the only one! The focus lies on creativity in its entirety.
  • CreaPedia is first and foremost a pro bono-project, yet not exclusively. As any project which consumes time and money we are looking for supporters and sponsors in order to secure the sustainability of this project. If you have something to offer that relates to creativity and the ideas behind CreaPedia and would like to get more attention please let us know. We will be happy to find a solution for you.


Here is a sample of what authors, contributors and supporters of the project (even non-German-speakers) could do according to their level of commitment:

  • Spreading the word of Creativity and CreaPedia by
    • Setting a link (either a plain one, a link with a commentary or a link including our search field (this could also help to bring your own google pagerank up))
    • Writing a post/ an article for a Blog including the web-address
    • Telling people about it
  • Sending in keyword-proposals for the Glossary or new entries or articles.
  • Sending in worthwhile Links or other resources etc.
  • Revamp and reorganize the English-German dictionary into a 2nd version of German-English.
  • Creating a new dictionary of keywords related to field of creativity (eg. in French, Spanish, Portuguese)


Want to know more about CreaPedia?
Want to get information and stay connected?
Want to contribute?

Please sent an email to info(~)creapedia|dot|com and let us know what we can do for you, and we will respond at short notice!

Or join our CreaPedia-group on LinkedIn.

Meine Werkzeuge

Kreativität im Fokus
Kreativer Prozess
Kreative Persönlichkeit
Kreatives Panorama